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Acquisition and
Reconstruction Techniques for
Coronary CT Angiography
Toshiba Healthcare Scanner Platforms
Edited and Approved by
Jonathon Leipsic MD FSCCT
Immediate Past-President Society of Cardiovascular CT
1400 Seaport Blvd, Building B
| Redwood City, CA 94063
ph: +1.650.241.1221
| heartflow.com
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Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. Introduction
Importance of Heart Rate Control
Importance of Nitrates
Selection of Tube Current and Potential
3. Recommended Protocol: TOSHIBA AQUILLION
Non-enhanced Scan (optional) - Calcium Score
kV and mA
Timing: Acquiring the SUREStart S and V
Cardiac Reconstructions
SUREIQ Settings
Contrast Protocol
Review of Data Reconstruction and ECG-Editing
4. Bibliography
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| Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques for Coronary CT Angiography: Toshiba Healthcare Scanner Platforms
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1. Overview
Coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) is a non-invasive diagnostic for detecting coronary
artery disease (CAD). CCTA is increasingly utilized in clinical practice for evaluating coronary anatomy for
obstructive disease and plaque.
It is, however, imperative that artifact free CCTA image data is obtained in order for it to be successfully
analysed for anatomic assessment and/or to act as adequate input for adjunct analyses such as physiologic
simulations. Data acquisition strategies and scanning protocols may vary depending on scanner manufacturer,
system, and institutional preferences. This document provides references for reliable image acquisition
for CCTA.
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| Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques for Coronary CT Angiography: Toshiba Healthcare Scanner Platforms
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2. Introduction
Image acquisition in computed tomography is governed ultimately by the principle of As Low As Reasonably
Achievable (ALARA). In the first 10 years of CCTA, the focus was almost exclusively on the detection of
anatomical stenosis in low to intermediate risk patients. With the evolution of technology, the clinical utility
of CCTA has extended beyond stenosis assessment to atherosclerosis characterization, the evaluation of
structural heart disease, and the functional and physiological assessment of coronary stenoses. Recently
the SCCT acquisition guidelines were updated and provide an excellent reference for Cardiac CT imaging
specialists to help optimize their scan protocols. That being said, given the growing information that is
provided from cardiac CT, the imaging requirements have evolved and require tailoring to meet the clinical
indication. The purpose of this white paper is to highlight the parameters and image acquisition protocols that
are important to help optimize image quality, provide accurate representation of anatomy and thus enable
quantitative CT.
Importance of Heart Rate Control
With the advancements in scanner technology, the necessary requirement for heart rate reduction has
decreased over time. The demands for a low and steady heart rate to ensure diagnostic image quality may not
be what they once were but best practice remains to optimize image quality through heart rate control. SCCT
guidelines recommend performing CCTA with heart rates below 60 bpm.
In addition, CCTA no longer simply provides stenosis evaluation but needs to enable the interpreting physician
to identify and characterize plaque and, following the identification of a stenosis, to perform functional or
physiologic evaluation. As a result, while latest generation CT scanners may enable diagnostic image quality
at higher heart rates, there remains meaningful image quality benefits from heart rate reduction. In addition,
lower heart rates allow the use of lower dose scan acquisitions that are not possible at higher heart rates. Heart
rate control strategies are well established and the appropriate strategy is dependent on a number of variables
including available medications, setting of practice and site preference. For recommendations please refer to
the recently updated SCCT acquisition guidelines.
Importance of Nitrates
Nitrates as smooth muscle dilators have direct effect on coronary vasodilation and result in tangible
enlargement of coronary size. As such, similar to invasive coronary catheterization, nitroglycerine (glyceryl
trinitrate) should be administered prior to CCTA to optimize image quality and enable the most accurate
stenosis evaluation. A commonly used regimen is 400-800 µg of sublingual nitroglycerin administered as either
sublingual tablets or a metered lingual spray (commonly 1-2 tablets or 1-2 sprays) prior to the CCTA. While
the evidence is modest and there is no randomized data, both a higher dose and administration via spray are
becoming increasingly preferred in clinical practice and have been shown to help optimize coronary evaluation.
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| Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques for Coronary CT Angiography: Toshiba Healthcare Scanner Platforms
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Selection of Tube Current and Potential
The scan parameters used for any cardiac CT should be tailored to the individual patient but also the intended
application. The image quality issues with the greatest impact on the interpretability of CT are misalignment
and image noise. As such, care must be given to ensure that image noise properties are appropriate and
adequate for accurate lumen segmentation. To do so, tube current and potential should be selected carefully,
guided by chest wall circumference, the iodine concentration of the intravenous contrast medium, and whether
iterative reconstruction is available or not.
Iterative reconstruction (IR) has the ability to reduce image noise in CT without compromising the diagnostic
quality of the CT image dataset, which permits a significant reduction in effective radiation dose. In current
clinical practice, IR has enabled a significant reduction in radiation dose by allowing for a reduction in tube
current and is now increasingly available across all cardiac capable CT scanners. IR commonly takes the form
of a blended reconstruction of IR and filtered back projection (FBP). While a very helpful tool, care should
be given when using a very high percentage of IR for quantitative CT analysis due to the potential impact on
vessel segmentation.
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| Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques for Coronary CT Angiography: Toshiba Healthcare Scanner Platforms
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3. Recommended Protocol:
1. Scanogram
Data Acquisition
Lateral and AP scout covering the
• AP Scanogram: 120kVp/50mA
Position the patient for AP scanogram
heart and coronaries
to acquire AP and lateral scanograms.
• Lat Scanogram: 120kVp/100mA
Offset the patient to the right so the
• Auto Voice (Breath hold command):
heart is at the center of the scan field.
Place the patient's arms above their
head with the ECG leads outside the
scan range.
Have the patient practice breath-
holding before starting the
examination. This should be a single
"breathe in and hold" command.
The patient should be instructed
to hold their breath at about 75%
of maximum lung capacity (“take a
comfortable breath in”) and to take
the same size breath each time they
are told. This important step has two
purposes: To ensure that the patient
can hold their breath for the required
scan time. To monitor the patient's
heart rate during breath-holding.
Make sure that a steady heart rate is
displayed with a clean ECG signal.
2. Non-enhanced Scan (optional) - Calcium Score
Data Acquisition
Data Reconstruction
• Can be used for quantification of
Helical CCTA Acquisition
Coronary CTA (Acquisition)
annular calcification
• Acquisition mode: Ca Score
• Field of View limited to the heart
• Can be used for planning of
Volume Mode
(200-220 mm)
subsequent contrast-enhanced
• Tube Voltage: 120kVp
• Slice thickness 0.5mm
data acquisition
• Tube Current: SUREExposure
• Increment 0.25mm
• Volume data can be acquired as a
• R-R Scanning Window:
SUREIQ: Ca Score
single-beat/one rotation scan
HR<71BPM (75%)
FC -12
HR>71BPM (40%)
OSR - Cardiac
Determined by scanner
Dose Reduction - OFF
• Slice/Collimation: 0.5/240 (120mm)
Filter - OFF
• Rotation time:
Acquilion One 640 - 350msec
Acquilion One Vision: 275msec
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| Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques for Coronary CT Angiography: Toshiba Healthcare Scanner Platforms
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3. ECG Gated CTA
a. kV and mA
Data Acquisition
Data Reconstruction
From the calcium scoring
• Tube Voltage: 120kVp (the kV can
• Low Dose CTA mode is a low-
examination, select the start and end
be adjusted by selecting the lowest
dose scanning technique in which
positions, the same scanogram can
kV where the graph does not reach
exposure is performed for only a
be used as the Calcium scan.
the maximum)
portion of the R-R interval (general
diastole). The desired exposure
It is advisable to plan 1 cm above the
• Tube Current: SUREExposure Cardiac
phase is set as a percentage of the
superior image selected and 1 cm
R-R interval, so the actual exposure
below the inferior image selected in
SD - 33
time varies depending on the
case the patient's breath-holding is
SUREIQ - Cardiac CTA
patient’s heart rate. The exposure
inconsistent. Note: that the proximal
Max mA - 580
phase setting can be expanded
LAD is often located superior to the
Min mA - 40
to include systole if the heart rate
origin of the left main coronary artery
• Open the SURECardio menu and
is high, and a function is provided
Can be used for quantification of
click the ‘Breath Ex’, this monitors
to perform such setting based on
annular calcification
the patient’s heart rate during
the results of breathing exercise.
breath-hold training
Multisegments reconstruction is
also available for patients with high
heart rates. Functional analysis is not
possible in this scan mode because
exposure does not cover the entire
R-R interval.
b. Timing: Acquiring the SUREStart S and V
Data Acquisition
Data Reconstruction
Confirm that the descending aorta
OPTION You may prefer to trigger
can be clearly identified on the
SUREStart using manual mode.
SUREstart slice.
Triggering SUREStart in manual mode
Place the SUREStart ROI over the
is easy, but you need to be confident
descending aorta as shown above
of your anatomy. Remember that
you will still get a graphical readout
Set the SUREStart trigger at 180 HU
of the ROI density. In manual mode,
you can easily compensate for low
cardiac output by delaying the start
of scanning. Place the SUREStart ROI
over the descending aorta as shown
Reassure the patient that it is normal
to experience a sensation of warmth
following contrast administration.
Inform the patient that the next
breath-hold is the last one for the
examination. Confirm that the
patient's heart rate is steady. It is a
good idea to have someone monitor
the first few seconds of contrast
administration to avoid extravasation.
GO Contrast injection and scanning
are started simultaneously
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| Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques for Coronary CT Angiography: Toshiba Healthcare Scanner Platforms
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c. Cardiac Reconstructions
Data Acquisition
Data Reconstruction
phaseXact - Fully automated phase
• Phase selection is performed in the
• After the eXam Plan is completed,
selection software
raw data domain and requires no
phaseXact finds and reconstructs
operator intervention.
the best motion-free cardiac phase.
The phaseXact software automatically
• phaseXact is set ON in the
It may be necessary to reconstruct
determines the optimal cardiac phase
other phases to create a temporal
for motion-free imaging.
window to permit better assessment
• Select “Best Phase”.
The concept of imageXact is to
of the proximal and distal arteries.
perform reconstruction at an absolute
• imageXact - Guided image-based
time point after the R wave (R + ms).
phase selection software
Phase selection is performed using a
• In rare cases, phaseXact may not
single image located at the mid-heart
be able to automatically determine
level and reconstructed throughout
the best motion-free cardiac phase.
the entire cardiac cycle.
In such cases, imageXact can help
by guiding the operator through a
simple and precise manual phase
selection process.
SUREIQ Settings
The following SUREIQ settings are recommended for cardiac reconstructions:
Dose Reduction
Low Dose
4. Contrast Protocol
Data Acquisition
The injection rate should be
Set the SUREStart trigger at 180 HU
Single Phase Contrast with Saline
increased for shorter scan times and
Flush This protocol ensures complete
larger patients!
washout of the right side of the heart.
Streak artifacts from undiluted contrast
CTA requires contrast medium with
medium are eliminated, providing
an iodine concentration of at least
excellent visualization of the RCA. The
350 mgI/mL.
saline solution replaces about 20 mL
Place a 20- or 18-gauge IV cannula in
(5 seconds of injection) of the contrast
the RIGHT arm.
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| Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques for Coronary CT Angiography: Toshiba Healthcare Scanner Platforms
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4. Contrast Protocol (contd.)
Contrast Formula
The injection rate should be
Biphasic Injection with
Biphasic Injection with a Contrast/Saline
increased for shorter scan times and
Contrast/Saline Mix
Mix A biphasic injection protocol with
larger patients!
(Maintains right heart contrast for CFA)
a contrast/saline mix reduces streak
artifact in the SVC and right heart, but
CTA requires contrast medium with
Phase 1 (Contrast)
maintains adequate opacification of the
an iodine concentration of at least
60 mL @ 4 mL/s* (15 s) @ 4 mL/s
right ventricle. This may improve the
350 mgI/mL.
detection of the ventricular septal wall
Phase 2 (Mix)
Place a 20- or 18-gauge IV cannula in
for CFA.
50% Contrast + 50% Saline
the RIGHT arm.
XX = (Scan Time s) x 4
(Simultaneous injection of contrast
@2mL/s & saline @2mL/s)
XX = (Scan Time s) x 4
In the above formula, the duration of
mixed injection = scan time
* The Injection rate should be increased for larger patients to ensure adequate iodine flux and therefore good
arterial enhancement.
The following guidelines are suggested for injection rates:
Weight (kilograms)
Weight (pounds)
Injection Rate
< 59 kg
< 129 lb
3.5 mL/s
60 - 100 kg
130 - 219 lb
4 mL/s
> 100 kg
> 220 lb
5 mL/s
Review of Data Reconstruction and ECG-Editing
• Image reconstructions of the heart should be reviewed immediately after the scan when raw data is
still available 

• The ECG-gating should be reviewed to ensure that the automated algorithms correctly identified the

• If R-peaks were not correctly identified, manual correction should be performed (e.g. add an R-peak if an
R-peak was not identified, or delete an R-peak if an R-peak was placed on anything other than the R-peak;
alternatively R-peaks can be shifted manually) 

• In case of ectopic contractions, absolute ms reconstruction should be used and the R-peak of the ectopic
beat should be deleted 

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| Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques for Coronary CT Angiography: Toshiba Healthcare Scanner Platforms
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ECG-editing screen showing correctly identifed R-peaks. 

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| Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques for Coronary CT Angiography: Toshiba Healthcare Scanner Platforms
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4. Bibliography
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This paper is presented as a service to medical personnel by HeartFlow and Toshiba. The information in this white paper has been compiled
from available literature and best practices from expert users. Although every effort has been made to faithfully convey this information, the
editors and publisher cannot be held responsible for their correctness. This paper is not intended to be, and should not be construed as,
medical advice. For any use, the product information guides, inserts, and operation manuals of the various CT acquisition devices should
be consulted. HeartFlow and the editors disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of drugs, devices, techniques, or
procedures described in this paper.
WARNING: Any references to x-ray exposure, intravenous contrast dosage, and other medication are intended as reference guidelines only.
The guidelines in this document do not substitute for the judgment of a trained healthcare provider. Each scan requires medical judgment by
the healthcare provider about exposing the patient to ionizing radiation. Use the As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) radiation dose
principle to balance factors such as the patient’s condition, size and age; region to be imaged; and diagnostic task.
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